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03/18/2020 - Information on how to access the online Regular Board Meeting of March 18, 2020

A friendly reminder that the Morongo Valley Community Services District’s Regular Board Meetings are now every third Wednesday at 6:00 PM.

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the Regular Board Meeting of March 18, 2020 will be held online / telephonically. We have scheduled the meeting to be held through Zoom Meetings.

The process is quite simple, with Zoom you can share documents and speak to one another. There is even a text chat option for everyone to take advantage of. The entire meeting as well as the text chat will be recorded through Zoom.
The directions to enter the meeting are as follow:
Join Zoom Meeting via Laptop copy and paste this link. then join the meeting by entering the Meeting ID.

You can also download the app through your smart phone and enter the Meeting ID.
To call into the meeting, dial the following number and use the following Meeting ID.
1 (669) 900-6833
The Meeting ID is 755 444 6691
If you have a document you would like to share with the other Board members and the public you can send those documents to the office prior to the meeting and we will share them during the appropriate time. This will help reduce the confusion on how to work zoom. Items you want to share can be sent to We must receive them by 10:00 AM Wednesday March 18, 2020. If they are not received, we will not have enough time to upload and add them to the meeting.
Please note that you must download the Zoom App on your laptop or cell phone in order to see the screen sharing. If you choose to call in you will only be able to hear the meeting not see any visuals shown.