Voluntary Revenue Plan (VRP)
Voluntary Revenue Plan (VRP)
As the most local form of government, the Morongo Valley Community Service District (MVCSD) is responsible for parks, street lights, and fire protection. In 2002 the community of Morongo Valley (MV) voted for the Morongo Valley Fire and Rescue Assessment tax which increased fire protection services to include advanced life support (ASL). This means our local fire department includes paramedics & firefighters along with the equipment and medications needed to offer ALS. Since that change to service provided, the district has been challenged by limited revenue to operate as the community desires. Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) of San Bernardino is the governmental agency that oversees Community Service Districts. Recently LAFCO created a Special Study on Morongo Valley that was filed in 2022. This study provides a history of the MVCSD and discusses the ongoing financial challenges.
Click to view the LAFCo Special Study of Morongo Valley CSD
In the more recent past efforts were made to vote in a parcel tax, which failed to pass, that would have increased revenue for district operations. Realistically to ensure the vitality of the district, this is going to be the only way to secure future revenue to continue local control of operations. Considering recent inflation, changes to minimum wage laws, and major repairs to the district, the district is at risk of not having the revenue to support full operations before a new tax can pass and be collected. Implementing the Voluntary Revenue Plan (VRP) is an effort by the district to collect additional revenue that can quickly impact the budget. The overall goal is to ensure services are available for the community of Morongo Valley by properly maintaining equipment and offering comparable wages to retain highly trained professionals. The VRP has a huge potential to generate the hundreds of thousands of dollars needed annually to support MVCSD operations but without the majority of the community’s support, it will not have the desired impacts.
Disclaimer: Participation in the Voluntary Revenue Plan (VRP) DOES NOT, in any way, provide priority service. The VRP is only intended to generate revenue to support the operations of the MVCSD to provide Emergency Medical & Fire Service equally to anyone requesting help.
How it works to participate in MVCSD Voluntary Revenue Plan (VRP)
- MVCSD will collect funds throughout the year via the VRP that will be deposited into the General Fund for MVCSD.
- MVCSD will need to collect Name(s), Address as well as email or phone number for follow-up contact when processing payments.
- Annual enrollment in VPR will cover 12 calendar months; the month payment is received will begin the first month of the 12 months.
- A supporter of the VRP will be able to request MVCSD waive any balance of post-insurance payments received for no-fault services that occur at their home or within the district.
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