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03/19/2020 - Resolution Number 2020-01; Declaration of State of Local Emergency

The Morongo Valley Community Services District has declared a state of local emergency for the District's jurisdication of the Covington Park and the Fire Department. 

Therefore, effective immediately and until further notice, the following applies:

1.      Town Facilities

a.      The Covington Park Building, including rooms such as the MPR, the Mesquite, the Kitchen, the Storage, the Art Colony, etc., will be closed to the public from March 16, 2020 till further notice.

b.      The Park Grounds including the playground, the Geeson Ball Fields, the Picnic Tables, the Pavilion, the Tennis Courts, Etc. will be closed effective March 19, 2020 till further notice.


2.      The Morongo Valley Community Services District Office

a.      The Community Services District Office operations will continue to operate as normal. The Community Services District Office will be open during regular business hours of Monday through Thursday from 9:00AM till 2:00PM.

b.      The Morongo Valley Community Services District will be able to assist with items such as Fire Protection Letters, Incident Reports, Providing Public Information, etc.

c.       The public can contact the District’s Office by calling 760-363-6454 , by contacting us through our website at , or by emailing the District at

d.      The District’s Regular Board Meetings will be held online instead of in the Multipurpose room. The Meetings will still be held on the third Wednesday of every month at 6:00PM. The Meetings will be held online until the Covid-19 Pandemic has subsided and is contained. Information regarding how to join the Online Board Meetings is on our website under “District Notices” at


The entire signed Resolution can be found at the following link